Backless and Backless+
Feedback Suppressors
more information, drop us an email.
Playing harmonica through a cupped microphone sounds great but often if
you want to turn things up to cut through the mix you can run into
howling feedback. The Backless and Backless+ feedback suppressors are
practical and cost effective solutions to that problem.
The Backless feedback suppressors are based on a circuit that we found
in a series of vintage solid stage PA amps from the 1960s. When
transistors started to replace tubes, power levels started going up and
with those power levels going up so did the chance of encountering
feedback. To eliminate that feedback, the maker of Kustom amps in
Chanute, Kansas came up with an clever adjustable filter for their high
powered PA amps. We've taken that circuit and adapted it the pedal
Essentially it's a tunable notch filter with a side circuit that allows
some critical mid-high frequencies to pass, keeping the natural tone of
your playing.
The regular Backless is a single band filter for high impedance
microphones, like the Green Bullet. That filter is active in the range
of the frequency spectrum most likely to experience feedback. Turn up
your amp and mic to the point where feedback starts, activate the
Backless and just dial it in to where the howling stops.
Like professional sound enforcement feedback suppressors, the Backless+
has three switchable bands of filtration. Additionally, to address
feedback when you aren't playing, so you don't have to keep turning
down the volume control on your mic between solos or songs the
Backless+ also incorporates a Decimator noise suppression circuit from
ISP Technologies. Unlike conventional noise gates, the Decimator
circuit accurately tracks the signal for a much more natural tone,
sustain, and decay. The filter and noise suppressor circuits can be
operated independently, with true bypass wiring.
To make the Backless+ a complete feedback solution for harmonica
players and vocalists, in addition to the standard high Z input it also
has both 1/4" and XLR inputs for low impedence mics like the SM57 and
SM58, using a high quality Neutrik matching transformer.
Both the Backless and Backless+ are assembled in the Motor City, U.S.A. using domestic and imported components.
Target pricing:
Backless - $125 plus S&H
Backless+ - $250 plus S&H
more information, drop us an email.
The Electric Harmonica Company
Motor City, U.S.A.